Emerson House

About Emerson House
Emerson House is one of the 10 houses of "the quad." The short path from the quad to the center of campus passes the president's house and offers a beautiful view of Paradise Pond.
The complex was built in stages starting in 1922 to alleviate a housing shortage on campus. When all the houses were completed in 1936, William Allan Neilson, then the president of Smith, pronounced it the "Great Quadrangle."
A study room provides students an alternative place to work if their roommates are sleeping or Neilson Library is closed.
Every fall the house hosts a unique tradition, Emerson's Medieval Banquet. Each senior in the house invites a professor to be her personal guest at a banquet full of singing, dancing, food and merriment. Students and faculty attend in medieval garb and enjoy the festivities planned by the junior, sophomore and first-year students. Emerson House has a special role in what is one of Smith's favored annual traditions, Mountain Day. The president of the college chooses a beautiful autumn day to cancel classes, allowing students to enjoy the foliage and the weather. No one knows when Mountain Day will be until the president rings the college bells early in the morning to signify that classes are canceled. After the bells finish ringing, Emersonians blare recordings of the "1812 Overture" to make sure the whole quad is aware of the holiday. A house across the quad responds by playing the "Hallelujah Chorus."
Statistic |
Figure |
Year built |
1922 |
Capacity |
87 |
Residential floors |
4 |
Singles |
61 |
Doubles |
13 |
Triples |
0 |
Approximate number sharing a bathroom |
17 |
Accessible |
Yes |
Elevator |
No |
Cozy in the Quad
Sophia Romagnoli ’26 has lived in the same room in Emerson House for two years, making it truly feel like home. Take a look at the posters and knickknacks that have helped create a cozy and familiar atmosphere.

What are some things that make your room feel like home?
I brought a lot of the lamps and little decorations I had in my room before college which all make the room feel more familiar. But it has just taken time. This is my second year in the room and only when I moved back into the room in September did I think of it as my home.

What is an object that has significant meaning to you?
The sticky note on my desk that says “Trust yourself” is from a teacher in high school who was very important to me. It’s a good reminder to have right in front of me when I am working. I also love the two epidemiology posters above my desk. I have a side interest in epidemiology and public health but, unfortunately, these days I am too busy to read much about it. So the posters are a welcome connection to the field!

What is your favorite part of your room?
Definitely my little bookshelf [not pictured]! It has the books I most enjoy or I was most excited to buy. I love seeing them everyday and get excited all over again. Since most are related to either economics or Middle East studies, I also use them to get ideas for research projects or expand my knowledge of a specific area in either discipline.

What are some things that make your room feel like home?
I brought a lot of the lamps and little decorations I had in my room before college which all make the room feel more familiar. But it has just taken time. This is my second year in the room and only when I moved back into the room in September did I think of it as my home.

What is an object that has significant meaning to you?
The sticky note on my desk that says “Trust yourself” is from a teacher in high school who was very important to me. It’s a good reminder to have right in front of me when I am working. I also love the two epidemiology posters above my desk. I have a side interest in epidemiology and public health but, unfortunately, these days I am too busy to read much about it. So the posters are a welcome connection to the field!

What is your favorite part of your room?
Definitely my little bookshelf [not pictured]! It has the books I most enjoy or I was most excited to buy. I love seeing them everyday and get excited all over again. Since most are related to either economics or Middle East studies, I also use them to get ideas for research projects or expand my knowledge of a specific area in either discipline.

What are some things that make your room feel like home?
I brought a lot of the lamps and little decorations I had in my room before college which all make the room feel more familiar. But it has just taken time. This is my second year in the room and only when I moved back into the room in September did I think of it as my home.

What is an object that has significant meaning to you?
The sticky note on my desk that says “Trust yourself” is from a teacher in high school who was very important to me. It’s a good reminder to have right in front of me when I am working. I also love the two epidemiology posters above my desk. I have a side interest in epidemiology and public health but, unfortunately, these days I am too busy to read much about it. So the posters are a welcome connection to the field!
Floor Plans
Floor plans are available in Residence Life Self-Service (login required) under "Room Draw."